Absinthe Reviews

Absinthe Reviews Illustration

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Here’s what we think: Review by Headout

Absinthe is a riotous, raunchy, and absolutely unforgettable circus show that pushes the boundaries of entertainment by drawing you into a world of debauchery and daring acrobatics. The show is a whirlwind of outrageous humor, jaw-dropping stunts, and mind-bending illusions. It's a non-stop party that will leave you breathless and begging for more - and more it delivers, every single time.

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Critic reviews

Juliana Shallcross,

Condé Nast Traveler

"You won't find acts like these elsewhere in the world, let alone in Las Vegas...And you may never see the same show twice: The producers of Absinthe constantly scour the world for new talents to incorporate into the show."

août, 2021

"Just like the drink itself, this show is intoxicating—and maybe just a little addictive."

Chris Singh,

The AU Review
mars, 2019

"[Absinthe is] a renegade production that violently flips convention, stripping away the niceties and grand gestures of a typical alt-circus romp while still, miraculously, maintaining the polish, pride and elegance that defines a big-ticket Vegas show."